Vocabulary: Ways to Extend Student Learning – Craig Thaine

[ELTWeekly Volume 11, Issue 3 | March 11, 2019 | ISSN 0975-3036] This webinar looks at ways of helping learners engage with vocabulary during lessons and as part of an independent learning programme. Craig discusses some freely available online resources that can supplement course book vocabulary activities and he also examines some strategies that learners… Continue reading Vocabulary: Ways to Extend Student Learning – Craig Thaine

Engaging young learners in meaningful, successful and fun! writing activities

[ELTWeekly Volume 11, Issue 3 | March 11, 2019 | ISSN 0975-3036] In this webinar, Anne shares some activities and tips for developing writing skills with young learners. We consider their appropriacy for this age group, and how the activities encourage a sense of achievement, as well as prepare them for the new Cambridge English… Continue reading Engaging young learners in meaningful, successful and fun! writing activities

3 Most Essential Reading Skills Your Students Need

[ELTWeekly Volume 11, Issue 3 | March 11, 2019 | ISSN 0975-3036] BusyTeacher contributor Susan Verner has shared an interesting article titled ‘3 Most Essential Reading Skills Your Students Need’. Verner says, “Reading is so much more than starting with the first word on the page and moving along each line till you get to… Continue reading 3 Most Essential Reading Skills Your Students Need

A Teacher-Centric Approach to PD

[ELTWeekly Volume 11, Issue 3 | March 11, 2019 | ISSN 0975-3036] Being in the dynamic profession of education, one needs to be conscious about the professional development initiatives. EduTopia contributor Alyssa Voigt has shared an article titled ‘A Teacher-Centric Approach to PD” to help teachers grow professionally. Voigt says, “The term professional development is one that… Continue reading A Teacher-Centric Approach to PD

22 Diverse Book Choices for All Grade Levels

[ELTWeekly Volume 11, Issue 3 | March 11, 2019 | ISSN 0975-3036] EduTopia contributor Tom Berger has shard a list of 22 diverse book choices for all grade levels. Berger says, “In a vibrant, multicultural society, representing the richness of students’ lives in a class or school library takes a conscious effort. Including writers and fictional characters… Continue reading 22 Diverse Book Choices for All Grade Levels

Using CLIL to keep young learners engaged

[ELTWeekly Volume 11, Issue 3 | March 11, 2019 | ISSN 0975-3036] The Pearson English team has published an article ‘Using CLIL to keep young learners engaged’ by Mario Herrera. Herrera says, “We all know that CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) is one of the pillars of updated English Language Teaching Methodology. It goes… Continue reading Using CLIL to keep young learners engaged

Developing listening skills with storytelling

[ELTWeekly Volume 11, Issue 3 | March 11, 2019 | ISSN 0975-3036] The Oxford University ELT team has published an article titled ‘Developing listening skills with storytelling’ written by Gareth Davies. Gareth Davies says, “Storytelling in ELT is often seen as the preserve of the young learner teacher. Telling a story with lots of repetition,… Continue reading Developing listening skills with storytelling

ELTWeekly Volume 11 Issue 2

Developing listening skills with storytelling Teaching English to Preparatory Year Programme (PYP) students Studying Female Poets to Understand History [Interesting Article] How to Manage Cell Phones in the Classroom What’s Your Teacher Reputation? [Edutopia] Getting English Language Learners to Put Down the Books and Have Some Fun 3 Most Essential Reading Skills Your Students Need… Continue reading ELTWeekly Volume 11 Issue 2

Communicative Language Teaching: Jeremy Harmer and Scott Thornbury

[ELTWeekly Volume 11, Issue 2 | February 28, 2019 | ISSN 0975-3036] The New School has shared a video on ‘Communicative Language Teaching’ delivered by Jeremy Harmer and Scott Thornbury. About the video The Communicative Approach is so well-established, it’s more or less the default methodology for second language teaching. But where did it come… Continue reading Communicative Language Teaching: Jeremy Harmer and Scott Thornbury