Biologist Mark Pagel shares an intriguing theory about why humans evolved our complex system of language. He suggests that language is a piece of “social technology” that allowed early human tribes to access a powerful new tool: cooperation.
How to Engage Underperforming Students [Video]
By focusing tightly on instructional strategies and PD, educators at Cochrane Collegiate Academy saved their school from closure. In just three years, they have doubled student performance, and they continue to reach higher.
Teacher-Created Videos for Remote Learning [Video]
When Concourse Village Elementary in the Bronx had to close their school building due to Covid-19, principal Alexa Sorden and her staff pivoted quickly to deliver engaging lessons via video.
Revising Your Teaching Philosophy for This Crisis
Aaron Tombrella has published a new article on Edutopia. The article is titled ‘Revising Your Teaching Philosophy for This Crisis’. Tombrella says, “Like many teachers around the nation, I recently went from face-to-face teaching to online teaching with little time to prep. I first tried to emulate my normal daily procedures virtually—I thought the consistency… Continue reading Revising Your Teaching Philosophy for This Crisis
Creating a Teacher-Driven Professional Development Program
Laura McCullough has published a new article ‘Creating a Teacher-Driven Professional Development Program’ on Edutpoia. McCullough says, “In the usual professional development structure, teachers teach and administrators or coaches observe and offer a list of areas for growth. Changing the design so that instructional leaders give teachers the opportunity to self-assess and self-reflect makes professional… Continue reading Creating a Teacher-Driven Professional Development Program
5 ways to Engage with Students Online (and Face-to-Face, too!)
The Oxford University Press ELT team has published a new article titled ‘5 ways to Engage with Students Online (and Face-to-Face, too!)’. Embracing new digital tools to deliver lessons, shortening the hours of teaching and blending lessons with EdTech can be very beneficial for both teachers and students. There are also a few more tricks we… Continue reading 5 ways to Engage with Students Online (and Face-to-Face, too!)
ELTWeekly Volume 11, Issue 5
Helping Students Beat Test Anxiety [Article]
Several research works state that learners are overburdened today and they suffer from anxiety of learning and exams etc. Edutopia’s Youki Terada has shared an article on ‘Helping Students Beat Test Anxiety’. Terada says, “A rapid heartbeat. Sweaty palms. Clouded thoughts. For many students, the biggest obstacle to passing a test isn’t what they know,… Continue reading Helping Students Beat Test Anxiety [Article]
Pairing Teachers to Drive Professional Development [Video]
[ELTWeekly Volume 11, Issue 4 | April 2019 | ISSN 0975-3036] The Edutopia team has published a video case study on ‘Pairing Teachers to Drive Professional Development’. Edutopia team says, “Teachers at this elementary school in the Bronx use a TAG feedback form tailored for professional growth to share their observations with each other. TAG stands… Continue reading Pairing Teachers to Drive Professional Development [Video]
ELTWeekly Volume 11 Issue 3
[ELTWeekly Volume 11, Issue 3 | March 11, 2019 | ISSN 0975-3036] Vocabulary: Ways to Extend Student Learning – Craig Thaine Engaging young learners in meaningful, successful and fun! writing activities 3 Most Essential Reading Skills Your Students Need How to Use Popular Music to Teach ESL A Teacher-Centric Approach to PD 22 Diverse Book… Continue reading ELTWeekly Volume 11 Issue 3