SAY WHAT? How to help your online students understand you on Zoom

Here is another article from Andrea Giordano of “What did you say?”“Teacher, I can’t understand you.”“You’re on mute.” If you have ever heard your students say something like that, you know how frustrating online teaching (and learning) can be. We are all online teachers now, whether that’s what we asked for. For some, it’s… Continue reading SAY WHAT? How to help your online students understand you on Zoom

ELTWeekly Volume 11, Issue 6

10 Easy Steps to Moving Your Course Online [Expert Article] Biography of Noam Chomsky, Writer and Father of Modern Linguistics [ThoughtCo] 2 Simple Ways to Improve Online Instruction Personalized Professional Development at Home Teaching English without Teaching English | Roberto Guzman [Video] Collaborative Learning Online And In The Socially Distanced Classroom How to get your… Continue reading ELTWeekly Volume 11, Issue 6

What You Didn’t Know about Language Barriers | Roxanne Pomerantz

In the spirit of the event, “TedxBGU2015: Breaking Barriers”, Roxanne brings our attention to language barriers. In a very interesting talk, she takes examples from linguistics, cognitive sciences, and her personal experience as an American living in Israel, to make a case for replenishing the world with multi-lingual people. Imagine a world without language barriers,… Continue reading What You Didn’t Know about Language Barriers | Roxanne Pomerantz

Teaching English without Teaching English | Roberto Guzman

Here’s a video TED titled Teaching English without Teaching English featuring Roberto Guzman from University of Puerto Rico, Aguadilla Campus. In this talk Roberto discusses his three phase system which he uses to teach English without teaching English, to improve the learning experience for students and the teaching practice for professors.

How to get your flipped classroom started

Philip Kerr has published an article titled How to get your flipped classroom started on CUP ELT blog. Kerr says, “There are many reasons why flipped learning has gained in popularity in recent years. These include: Personalisation Helping with specific learning difficulties Self-pacing Offering a personal choice of study material Providing individual support Active Learning… Continue reading How to get your flipped classroom started

Collaborative Learning Online And In The Socially Distanced Classroom

The Oxford University Press ELT team has published an article on Collaborative Learning Online And In The Socially Distanced Classroom. They have shared 4 ways to conduct collaborative language learning in cyberspace. The OUP team defines collaborative learning as “One of the most satisfying experiences that I have as an instructor is when I have… Continue reading Collaborative Learning Online And In The Socially Distanced Classroom

Personalized Professional Development at Home

In these toughest times, it is important to engage yourself in some kind of activities that help you to grow professionally. Edutopia contributor Bridget Stegman has shared some useful inputs on how to embark on personalized professional development staying at home. Stegman says, “One of the benefits of personalized professional development is that it can… Continue reading Personalized Professional Development at Home

2 Simple Ways to Improve Online Instruction

Edutopia’s Jorge Valenzuela has published an article highlighting two useful tips to improve your online teaching. Valenzuela says, “In the months since the pandemic caused an emergency rush to distance learning, many teachers have made significant strides in improving the remote teaching skills they need to reach all learners. The new school year can allow… Continue reading 2 Simple Ways to Improve Online Instruction

Biography of Noam Chomsky, Writer and Father of Modern Linguistics [ThoughtCo]

ThoughtCo has published Biography of Noam Chomsky, Writer and Father of Modern Linguistics. Bill Lamb says, “Noam Chomsky (born December 7, 1928) is an American linguist, philosopher, and political activist. His theories made the modern scientific study of linguistics possible. He is a leader in peace activism and opposition to U.S. foreign policy. Childhood Noam… Continue reading Biography of Noam Chomsky, Writer and Father of Modern Linguistics [ThoughtCo]

10 Easy Steps to Moving Your Course Online [Expert Article]

We are happy to publish this incredible article by Andrea Giordano. Andrea is the creator of ESL Basics, a popular destination for online English learners and teachers. There’s a mad dash to move face-to-face courses to online. It can feel overwhelming and unnatural for those faculty members who have never taught online. Even if you… Continue reading 10 Easy Steps to Moving Your Course Online [Expert Article]