Writing tests for teenagers – where to begin!

Robin Lee of Oxford University Press has published an article titled ‘Writing tests for teenagers – where to begin’. Creating items (test questions) for English language assessments is a tricky business, particularly for teens. You need to ensure that the item produces an accurate and valid measurement of the skill you are trying to test… Continue reading Writing tests for teenagers – where to begin!

How to Keep Your Students Engaged Online

Here is another article from Andrea Giordano of ESLBasics.com. We’re in a new era of teaching. Ready or not, online education is the norm in 2020. For some of you, you’re excited about the challenge. For others, you may be wondering how you’re ever going to adapt. I want you to keep in mind that even the… Continue reading How to Keep Your Students Engaged Online

ELTWeekly Volume 11, Issue 7

‘How to Keep Your Students Engaged Online’ Webinar, August 1 Using Project-Based Learning to Prepare Students for Cutting-Edge Careers Maximising speaking opportunities in online lessons [Resource] Reflections—and Lessons Learned—From Remote Learning 12 tips for teaching an unforgettable online English class Collaborative Learning Online And In The Socially Distanced Classroom SAY WHAT? How to help your… Continue reading ELTWeekly Volume 11, Issue 7

‘How to Keep Your Students Engaged Online’ Webinar, August 1

The International Society for Educational Leadership is hosting a private webinar with Andrea Giordano of Study with Andrea. In this special webinar, Andrea will help you to explore ways t keep your students engaged in the new normal. Educators from all subjects and disciplines are welcome to join a special conversation with Andrea who has been… Continue reading ‘How to Keep Your Students Engaged Online’ Webinar, August 1

Christopher Emdin: Teach teachers how to create magic [Video]

What do rap shows, barbershop banter and Sunday services have in common? As Christopher Emdin says, they all hold the secret magic to enthrall and teach at the same time — and it’s a skill we often don’t teach to educators. The science advocate (and cofounder of Science Genius B.A.T.T.L.E.S. with the GZA of the… Continue reading Christopher Emdin: Teach teachers how to create magic [Video]

Maximising speaking opportunities in online lessons [Resource]

The BBC Teaching English team has published a new useful resource on ‘Maximising speaking opportunities in online lessons’. They say, “Developing speaking skills in online lessons is different from in a face-to-face class, but it is still possible. A little creativity and imagination are needed on the part of the teacher and the learners. This… Continue reading Maximising speaking opportunities in online lessons [Resource]

Using Project-Based Learning to Prepare Students for Cutting-Edge Careers

When the community of Dayton, Ohio—charged in 2008 with founding a STEM high school—pondered how to bring life to its mission of connecting students to real-world outcomes, they didn’t need to look far. Within Dayton city limits, employers like GE Aviation, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, and Kettering Health Network were seeking employees who could be,… Continue reading Using Project-Based Learning to Prepare Students for Cutting-Edge Careers

Reflections—and Lessons Learned—From Remote Learning

Our last day of the school year, three months and a week after we went virtual, brought a strange sadness. After the whirlwind and stress of the last few months, the end felt like a slow exhale instead of a bang—or, as a student said, one of those balloons that float to the ceiling outside… Continue reading Reflections—and Lessons Learned—From Remote Learning

12 tips for teaching an unforgettable online English class

Have you suddenly found yourself teaching online? You’re certainly not alone. English teachers all around the world are in the same position – and it can be hard to know where to start. In this guide, we’ll cover 12 of the most important aspects of online teaching. You’ll be planning and delivering excellent online English… Continue reading 12 tips for teaching an unforgettable online English class

Collaborative Learning Online And In The Socially Distanced Classroom

One of the most satisfying experiences that I have as an instructor is when I have my class make pairs or groups and then, after a few moments, I hear lively chatter. Moving around the classroom, I hear students using the vocabulary and structures that we studied in class. Yet they are doing more than… Continue reading Collaborative Learning Online And In The Socially Distanced Classroom