Introduction Undeniably, education quality control has been the primary concern for educators globally. This call for quality can become intensified by major changes that affect humanity such as the Covid-19 global health crisis. From a pedagogical perspective, by adapting or transforming curricula and implementing recovery strategies quality continuation in times of crisis can be ensured.… Continue reading Transformational English language schools under the pandemic vortex: Covid-19 language acquisition guidelines and effective recovery tactics | Vassilakou Evangelia
Tips and Free Lesson Plans For Using Photographs In Class
The OUP ELT Blog team has shared five great tips and lesson plans to use photographs in your classrooms. OUP Publisher Marc Goozée has put together a really helpful list of photography lesson ideas, applicable for any classroom. 1) Take advantage of students’ own photographs and experiences Now that every smartphone has a camera we… Continue reading Tips and Free Lesson Plans For Using Photographs In Class
ESL Worksheets for Everyday English
BusyTeacher contributor HAIDEN’s article titled ‘ESL Worksheets for Everyday English’ will help you to bring new variety in your classroom. Teaching English as a second language can be extremely rewarding, from introducing students to the ins and outs of reading, speaking, and writing to witnessing them learn and grow more confident in themselves. It is… Continue reading ESL Worksheets for Everyday English
Revising Your Teaching Philosophy for This Crisis
Aaron Tombrella’s article on ‘Revising Your Teaching Philosophy for This Crisis’ is going to bring new insights for sure. Like many teachers around the nation, I recently went from face-to-face teaching to online teaching with little time to prep. I first tried to emulate my normal daily procedures virtually—I thought the consistency and familiarity would… Continue reading Revising Your Teaching Philosophy for This Crisis
Keys to Success in Distance Learning
Nikki Healy has published an article ‘Keys to Success in Distance Learning’ highlighting useful ways to achieve distance learning success. We’re all overwhelmed. Last spring, many educators were thrown into distance learning without much training. Add to that worries related to Covid-19, and it’s easy to see why many educators are approaching this year with… Continue reading Keys to Success in Distance Learning
ELTWeekly Volume 11, Issue 10 | August 2020
Getting English Language Learners to Put Down the Books and Have Some Fun 5 Online Tools to Increase Student Engagement Rigor, Routines and the Real (Global) Skills Teaching Methods for Inspiring the Students of the Future | Joe Ruhl [Video] The relationship between tech and the English language teacher How to Change Education – Ken… Continue reading ELTWeekly Volume 11, Issue 10 | August 2020
Getting English Language Learners to Put Down the Books and Have Some Fun
Here is a useful article written by Stacy Zeiger from BusyTeacher. Stacy says, “It’s no surprise to learn that countries like America put a much stronger emphasis on free time and having fun than some of their Eastern counterparts. Some students come from countries where education and studying take up the bulk of their time,… Continue reading Getting English Language Learners to Put Down the Books and Have Some Fun
Planning Lessons With the Student Experience in Mind
Sarah Kesty‘s article ‘Planning Lessons With the Student Experience in Mind’ will be an igniting read for everyone. Kesty says, “Have you ever revisited something you wrote, only to discover that it omitted important information or assumed the reader just knew what you meant? This spring, not being in the physical classroom with my students… Continue reading Planning Lessons With the Student Experience in Mind
Is it Time to Drop ‘Finding the Main Idea’ and Teach Reading in a New Way?
Holly Korbey has published a highly useful article on Edutopia. Please use the link at the end to read full article. Korbey says, “Early in the school year at John Ruhrah Elementary and Middle School, co-teachers Darene Parry and Megan Healy were already diving deep into a lesson about the human heart, showing their fourth… Continue reading Is it Time to Drop ‘Finding the Main Idea’ and Teach Reading in a New Way?
Teaching Methods for Inspiring the Students of the Future | Joe Ruhl [Video]
Collaboration. Communication. Critical thinking. Creativity – Should be present in all classrooms. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Joe Ruhl received his bachelors and masters degrees at Purdue University and he has been sharing the joys of biology with kids for… Continue reading Teaching Methods for Inspiring the Students of the Future | Joe Ruhl [Video]