Speak Up: 6 Fabulous Games to Get Your Students Speaking

Here is an article written by Susan Verner of BusyTeacher. Many ESL teachers find that their students are timid speakers or reluctant to participate in class discussions. It’s only natural. After all, they are trying to talk in a language they are still working on learning. Still, silence can be deadly in the ESL classroom for your… Continue reading Speak Up: 6 Fabulous Games to Get Your Students Speaking

Developing teachers: key principles in the Cambridge English approach to teacher education

Here is an article from Cambridge English written by Graeme Harrison. Cambridge Assessment English has long been recognised as one of the international leaders in pre-service teacher education through the CELTA (Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) qualification. In recent years, we have been working around the world at a national level… Continue reading Developing teachers: key principles in the Cambridge English approach to teacher education

Take Online Lessons To The Next Level With Authentic Material

Here is a useful article from OUP ELT blog. If we’re looking for positives from this year’s enforced move to online lessons, then surely one is that authentic material is easier to incorporate! Unlike coursebooks which, as good as they are, often employ language graded to the level of the students, authentic materials give students… Continue reading Take Online Lessons To The Next Level With Authentic Material

Past simple and present perfect by Nick Shepherd

Here’s a simple diagram to show the basic difference: 1 The first sentence, “I read [pron: /red/] the article”, means that I read it three days ago, on Monday, and that’s finished. 2 The second sentence, “I have read the article” means that I read it during the last three days, and I have now… Continue reading Past simple and present perfect by Nick Shepherd

ELTWeekly Volume 11, Issue 22 | November 2020

Four linkers: before, after, when, while by Nick Shepherd English Literature Summit 2020 – Call for Papers Managing the Virtual and Hybrid Teaching Workload English as a lingua franca: ontology and ideology 7 Best Ways to Introduce New Vocabulary [Poster] How To Teach Directions How to teach English abroad An English Test For Schools: Introducing… Continue reading ELTWeekly Volume 11, Issue 22 | November 2020

English Literature Summit 2020 – Call for Papers

The English Literature Summit 2020 aims at exploring teaching-learning of English Literature so as to acquire, adapt, and apply new and innovative strategies to facilitate the learners. This will be helpful in enriching and transforming the process of teaching-learning of English Language and Literature as such. Thus, bringing together leading voices as well as budding… Continue reading English Literature Summit 2020 – Call for Papers

Managing the Virtual and Hybrid Teaching Workload

This Edutopia article written by Beth Pandolpho offers some useful tips to manage your teaching in these difficult times. Teachers everywhere seem to be working twice as hard and feeling perpetually overwhelmed and dissatisfied. Students are also feeling stressed out and disconnected—we’re all carrying an intense emotional workload. Although there’s much about the current situation that we… Continue reading Managing the Virtual and Hybrid Teaching Workload

English as a lingua franca: ontology and ideology

Here is an article from OUP ELT journal authored by Andrew Sewell. This article examines certain aspects of the debate surrounding English as a Lingua Franca (ELF). It argues that in some ways, neither ELF nor its opponents have come to terms with the complexities of English in a globalized world. By defining ELF according… Continue reading English as a lingua franca: ontology and ideology

7 Best Ways to Introduce New Vocabulary [Poster]

BusyTeacher has published a new poster titled ‘7 Best Ways to Introduce New Vocabulary’. The BusyTeacher team says, “Please welcome: ‘7 Best Ways to Introduce New Vocabulary’ – our new reference poster for busy teachers that contains 7 creative ideas to help you teach new vocab. Click on the image below to view the full-size… Continue reading 7 Best Ways to Introduce New Vocabulary [Poster]

How To Teach Directions

BusyTeacher’s TARA ARNTSEN has published an article on teaching directions. Directions can be challenging to teach however its practical uses are readily understood by students and there are many fun activities you can incorporate into your lessons to make them more enjoyable. Typically the first directions lesson would follow lessons introducing vocabulary such as:https://www.facebook.com/v2.7/plugins/quote.php?app_id=144982482220091&channel=https%3A%2F%2Fstaticxx.facebook.com%2Fx%2Fconnect%2Fxd_arbiter%2F%3Fversion%3D46%23cb%3Df1898a648dd1b98%26domain%3Dbusyteacher.org%26origin%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fbusyteacher.org%252Ff20199f8e52a3f4%26relation%3Dparent.parent&container_width=1010&href=https%3A%2F%2Fbusyteacher.org%2F3609-how-to-teach-directions.html&locale=en_US&sdk=joey Post office Police station… Continue reading How To Teach Directions