Watch this webinar recording to learn about standards in assessment and how to make classroom-based assessment more effective, leading to greater confidence in summative assessment.
To Teach Vocabulary, Let Students Be Thespians
A 2020 study found that kids learning a new language retain new vocabulary at significantly higher rates if they act it out.
Has the Pandemic Ushered in New Norms in Education?
Edutopia’s Heather Wolpert-Gawron has published an article on new norms in education due to the pandemic. Heather says, “Remember when you had growth spurts as a teenager and your joints hurt because you grew, like, four inches overnight? For schools, 2020 has been a bit like that. It hurts to grow sometimes, but it’s necessary.… Continue reading Has the Pandemic Ushered in New Norms in Education?
How online games help with English training for the workplace [News]
The benefits of integrating online gaming platforms such as Kahoots into English language training for the workplace were highlighted by an expert from Cambridge. Dr Sarah McElwee from Cambridge Assessment English spoke at this year’s virtual Kahoot WorkSummit, a corporate learning event that attracted thousands of professionals from over 140 countries. Sarah spoke about the… Continue reading How online games help with English training for the workplace [News]
Digital Divide: What Is It And How Can You Bridge The Gap?
Here is an article from OUP ELT Blog. We can safely say that, through the difficulties of 2020, English language teachers have grown accustomed to delivering online classes and learning to use new digital tools. Some teachers may face many weeks ahead of continuing such classes if high Covid-19 cases see a resurgence, their new… Continue reading Digital Divide: What Is It And How Can You Bridge The Gap?
Time and Tense 2 by Nick Shepherd
A quick reminder: time is about clocks and calendars, tense is about verb forms. They often coincide, but by no means always. Last week I talked about Present Simple and Progressive, and Past Simple and Progressive. This week I’m looking at the Perfect aspects. There are four: Present: perfect simple: I have done… Continue reading Time and Tense 2 by Nick Shepherd
ELTWeekly Volume 11, Issue 24 | December 2020
How to use Classroom Presentation Tools (CPT) for online or remote lessons [Video] Time and Tense by Nick Shepherd The 10 Most Significant Education Studies of 2020 How Teachers Can Use Their Own Writing as Model Texts Cambridge launches new mobile English test for employability [News] Using songs with teenagers Teaching During The Pandemic: Postcards… Continue reading ELTWeekly Volume 11, Issue 24 | December 2020
How to use Classroom Presentation Tools (CPT) for online or remote lessons [Video]
This video explains how you can use OUP’s Classroom Presentation Tools to deliver remote / online lessons and as a great resource for synchronous learning. Charlotte Murphy is a Senior Consultant and Teacher Trainer at Oxford University Press.
Time and Tense by Nick Shepherd
This is an odd subject, because in a way you don’t want to teach most students anything about time and tense, except how to use them. But teachers need to know what they mean and how they work. Put simply, time is what clocks and calendars are about; tense is about verb forms. The grammatical… Continue reading Time and Tense by Nick Shepherd
The 10 Most Significant Education Studies of 2020
Edutopia’s Youki Terada and Stephen Merrill have published an article highlighting the 10 most significant education studies of 2020. Calling 2020 a turbulent year would be an understatement. As the pandemic disrupted life across the entire globe, teachers scrambled to transform their physical classrooms into virtual—or even hybrid—ones, and researchers slowly began to collect insights into… Continue reading The 10 Most Significant Education Studies of 2020