Checking Together By Tarun Patel When your students have finished doing an activity on their own, put them in pairs or in groups and ask them to check their answers together. Tell the students that if the answers are the same, they are probably correct but if they are different they need to explain/justify their choice of… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#10, Tip of the week
ELTWeekly Issue #10, Quote of the week
ELTWeekly Issue#10, Video of the week: Teaching English With Games
Here are three examples of how to incorporate games into your ESL and EFL classes.
ELTWeekly Issue #9, E-learning: The Journey so far
Dear Friends, We are here again with the latest issue of ELTWeekly (now reaching more than 520 teachers of English in 28 countries). Issue#9 contains an article by Bhaskar Pandya “E-learning: The Journey so far”. The Expert Article column features an article titled “EThree Terrific English Language Teaching Movies Your Learners Will Love” by Larry M.… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue #9, E-learning: The Journey so far
ELTWeekly Issue #9, Featured Article: E-learning: The Journey so far
E-learning: The Journey so far By Bhaskar Pandya We all know that until the past few decades (language) teaching was never computer aided or technology enabled. Instead it was taking place in a classroom more popularly referred to as a language classroom and that too in presence of a qualified trainer. With the advent of… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue #9, Featured Article: E-learning: The Journey so far
ELTWeekly Issue #9, Word of the week: Tocsin
Tocsin – TOCK-sin Meaning: an alarm bell or the ringing of it / a warning signal Example: A coalition of parents was sounding the tocsin for the school music program — if voters didn’t approve a tax increase, the program was sure to be axed. To know more about the word ‘Tocsin’, visit:
ELTWeekly Issue#9, ELT cartoon
ELTWeekly Issue#9, Quote of the week
“We’re trying to expand his vocabulary. I don’t speak Czech with him at all. The best teaching policy is to speak English.” – Mary Lynch
ELTWeekly Issue#9, Tip of the week: Enhance students’ understanding with the help of web forums
Enhance students’ understanding with the help of web forums by Rajesh Bharvad It is very important that an instructor takes care whether the students have understood the topics taught in the classroom. In the traditional class an instructor asks questions to the students. And the outcome of his effort is that few good students try… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#9, Tip of the week: Enhance students’ understanding with the help of web forums
ELTWeekly Issue#9, Expert article: Three Terrific English Language Teaching Movies Your Learners Will Love
Three Terrific English Language Teaching Movies Your Learners Will Love By Larry M. Lynch Dynamite English Language Learning Skills If you’re looking for ways to dynamite English language learning skills in your classroom, try using clips from popular and classic movies. It certainly works for me. My learners enjoy speaking practice far more using scenes… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#9, Expert article: Three Terrific English Language Teaching Movies Your Learners Will Love