ELTWeekly Issue#15, Worldwide ELT events

The 2009 Asia TEFL International Conference, Thailand, August 7-9 The Asia TEFL International Conference Committee is now accepting presentation proposals for its7th conference to be held in Bangkok, Thailand. The official language for the conference, including presentations and submissions, is English. Under the Conference theme of “Collaboration and Creativity in English Language Teaching and Learning in Asia,” proposals are being accepted in the following content… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#15, Worldwide ELT events

ELTWeekly Issue#15, Cool ELT resources

ELTgames.com ELTgames.com features 100 activities written by professional ESL/ELT writers. No downloading PDFs – just choose, print and go. Quick and easy to use, even over a dial-up connection. The games are written keeping the following areas in mind: Elementary GRAMMAR GAMES  Pre-intermediate GRAMMAR GAMES Intermediate GRAMMAR GAMES  Upper Intermediate GRAMMAR GAMES  Elementary – intermediate CONVERSATION Intermediate… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#15, Cool ELT resources

ELTWeekly Issue #15, ELT Event Updates

1. “Shirpur Education Society’s Institute of Technology”, Shirpur, District Dhule, Maharashtra, organized a two day national conference on “soft skills” on 14-15 March 2009. Professor Dr. Z. N. Patil of The English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad, delivered the keynote address on “Aspects of Spoken Communication Skills” and coordinated panel discussions on both the days.… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue #15, ELT Event Updates

ELTWeekly Issue#15, Subscriber space: Research article by Mukesh Modi

Inducing Uniformality in ELT through DLL By Mukesh Modi, Head, Dept. of English, D.M.Patel Arts and S.S.Patel Com. College, Ode. (Anand) Gujarat, India.   It’s only since recently that specialists and professionals are prepared in Indian Universities and colleges to teach English language to the varied degree of this large country. Most of the times, it is assumed,… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#15, Subscriber space: Research article by Mukesh Modi

ELTWeekly Issue#15, Subscriber space: Research paper by Milan Pandya

The need of technology in teaching-learning environment: Present Status and Future Perspectives By Milan Pandya, Gujarat, India Abstract Globalization and technological change processes that have accelerated in tandem over the past many years created a new global education system “powered by technology, fueled by information and driven by knowledge”. The use of technology in education has… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#15, Subscriber space: Research paper by Milan Pandya

ELTWeekly Issue#15, Subscriber space: Research paper by Mohammad Bagher Shabani & Saeed Najafi Sarem

The Study of Learning Strategies Used by Male/Female Monolingual and Bilingual Speakers as EFL Learners By Mohammad Bagher Shabani & Saeed Najafi Sarem, llam University   Abstract This study was an attempt to investigate the learning strategy use of monolinguals and bilinguals in approaching English as a foreign language. It is also an attempt to compare the strategy use… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#15, Subscriber space: Research paper by Mohammad Bagher Shabani & Saeed Najafi Sarem

ELTWeekly Issue #15, Word of the week: symbiosis

symbiosis • sim-bee-OH-sis   1 : the living together in close association of two dissimilar organisms especially when mutually beneficial 2 : a cooperative relationship   Example: A perfect symbiosis was at work between the café’s co-owners, with Stephanie creating the menu and Maria doing the bookkeeping. To know more about the word ‘symbiosis’, please visit: http://www.merriam-webster.com/cgi-bin/mwwodarch.pl?Mar.30.2009  

ELTWeekly Issue#15, Book of the week: Teaching Content to English Language Learners

Teaching Content to English Language Learners  By Jodi Reiss Book Description Teaching Content to English Language Learners, by Jodi Reiss, shows content-area teachers how to transform second-language learning theories into useful tools for ensuring the success of their ELL students. The book’s three parts present easy-to-incorporate techniques to make content more accessible, strengthen vocabulary, and increase… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#15, Book of the week: Teaching Content to English Language Learners