ELTWeekly Issue#26, Article: Teaching pre-school English

Teaching pre-school English By Alex Case Should my English teaching school be a pre-school school? (Or should my pre-school be an English teaching school?) You only have to look at the amount of new materials being launched by the major EFL publishers for the pre-school English teaching market (see, for example, references 1, 2 and… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#26, Article: Teaching pre-school English

ELTWeekly Issue#26, Book Review: ‘The Universal Course in FRENCH’ by Pawan Kumar

‘The Universal Course in FRENCH’ by Pawan Kumar Reviewed by Prof (Dr) Shefali Bakshi Mr Pawan Kumar, who is a teacher of French in Amity University, Lucknow Campus, since last three years, has written a student friendly book in which elementary or zero level learners can be well-versed with day-to-day French and its pronunciation. The book… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#26, Book Review: ‘The Universal Course in FRENCH’ by Pawan Kumar

ELTWeekly Issue#26, Quote of the week

English is the common tongue of our global village. Whether you live and work in an English speaking country, or need English for travel and fun, English is the passport to success and a deeper understanding of our quickly changing world. – Kenneth Beare, About.com Guide to ESL

ELTWeekly Issue #25 Contents

– Quote of the week – Word of the week: desolate – Video: The History of the English Language – Worldwide ELT News – Worldwide ELT events – Book of the week: English Language Teaching in its Social Context: A Reader – Article: Developing Effective Listening Skills – Article: Top tips for getting an EFL book published – Research paper: Four Good Reasons To… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue #25 Contents

ELTWeekly Issue #25, Three Must Read ELT Blogs

UsingEnglish.com/weblog UsingEnglish.com is a general English language site, specialising in ESL (English as a Second Language) with a wide range of resources for learners and teachers of English, and has been running since the beginning of 2002. Different varieties of English are used; there are contributors from the United States, Canada, Pakistan and non-native speakers,… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue #25, Three Must Read ELT Blogs

ELTWeekly Issue#25, Research paper: Four Good Reasons To Use Literature in the Primary School ELT

Four Good Reasons To Use Literature in the Primary School ELT By Ghosn, Irma K. Abstract This paper presents four arguments in favor of integrating literature into English as a foreign language (EFL) classes for grade school children, particularly in cases where academic language proficiency is the ultimate goal of instruction but where English exposure and… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#25, Research paper: Four Good Reasons To Use Literature in the Primary School ELT

ELTWeekly Issue#25, Article: Top tips for getting an EFL book published

Top tips for getting an EFL book published By Alex Case Do not bother sending book proposals. The traditional “send a book proposal, wait for review, proposal accepted if you are lucky, negotiate and then start writing” process to work anymore. It is dead. If you send a book proposal in, you might be very… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#25, Article: Top tips for getting an EFL book published

ELTWeekly Issue#25, Article: Developing Effective Listening Skills

Developing Effective Listening Skills By Prof (Dr) Shefali Bakshi Good listening is one of the most significant skills to have in today’s multifaceted world. Families need good listening to face complicated stresses together. Corporate employees need it to solve complicated problems quickly and stay competitive. Students need it to understand complex and composite issues in their… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#25, Article: Developing Effective Listening Skills

ELTWeekly Issue#25, Book of the week: English Language Teaching in its Social Context: A Reader

English Language Teaching in its Social Context: A Reader By C. Candlin Book Description English Language Teaching in its Social Context presents four major principles of English language teaching: * focusing on the roles played by teachers and learners * recognizing the individuality of language learners * supporting teachers in the provision of active guidance for… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#25, Book of the week: English Language Teaching in its Social Context: A Reader