One thousand years of history in ten minutes! Grammar Spice tells you about the three stages of the English Language.
Macmillan Brings ELT Webinars for YOU
Macmillan is organising a series of free webinars—live video talks—with some of the biggest names in ELT. You can watch these webinars directly in your web browser. While watching these webinars, you can ask questions directly to the presenter. Registration for the webinars series is separate from the Macmillan Education resources email service. You will need… Continue reading Macmillan Brings ELT Webinars for YOU
ELTWeekly Issue#24 Contents
– Quote of the week – Word of the week: melee – Video: They Use It Now – Worldwide ELT news – Worldwide ELT events – Book of the week: The Cambridge Guide to Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages – Research paper: Effective Language Learning Through Computerized Language Laboratory – Article: Bringing graded readers into the classroom – Research paper: Reading Loud… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#24 Contents
ELTWeekly Issue#24, Worldwide ELT events
THE 19TH ANNUAL IATEFL-H CONFERENCE, BUDAPEST, 2-4 OCTOBER 2009 The organizing committee of the 19th annual IATEFL Hungary Conference cordially invites the members of IATEFL-Hungary and all English teachers around the world to take part in their annual conference in Budapest, 2-4 October 2009. The title of the conference is: ‘Global skills for global needs: facing… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#24, Worldwide ELT events
ELTWeekly Issue#24, Book of the week: The Cambridge Guide to Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
The Cambridge Guide to Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages By Ronald Carter and David Nunan Review ‘The Cambridge Guide is to be welcomed and used wisely by all in the field. My graduate courses in TESOL will be considerably enhanced by this book. This is a must for your bookshelf.’ ESL Magazine, Brazil… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#24, Book of the week: The Cambridge Guide to Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
ELTWeekly Issue#24, Article: Developing Effective Writing Skills
Developing Effective Writing Skills By Prof (Dr) Shefali Bakshi Writing is a complex skill because it requires the coordination of content, language, meaning and style. Handwriting demands attention at the earlier stages of learning to write. Initially, our focus on teaching writing is on accuracy, later the focus shifts to appropriacy. Cohesion (Structural) and coherence (meaning)… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#24, Article: Developing Effective Writing Skills
ELTWeekly Issue#24, Article: Bringing graded readers into the classroom
Bringing graded readers into the classroom By Alex Case Reading equals Speaking: Bringing Graded Readers into the Classroom Most schools have at least a couple of graded readers lying around the school, if only freebies that were sent unsolicited by publishers, and if not it is easy enough to get hold of some. In too… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#24, Article: Bringing graded readers into the classroom
ELTWeekly Issue#24, Worldwide ELT news
English as medium of instruction The English of Saudi university graduates is very poor. Since the labor market in the Kingdom largely depends on foreign manpower, English has necessarily become the language of business. Anyone who does not master English will be in a weak position when competing for a job. His or her chances… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#24, Worldwide ELT news
ELTWeekly Issue #24, Quote of the week
Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes. – Mahatma Gandhi
ELTWeekly Issue #24, Word of the week: melee
melee • MAY-lay • noun Meaning: a confused struggle; especially : a hand-to-hand fight among several people Example: The shoppers’ voices grew tense as they argued over the last Cool Sally doll, and for a moment I feared that a melee might erupt. To know more about the word ‘melee’, please visit: