ELTWeekly Issue#27, Book of the Week: The Secret Life of Words: How English Became English

The Secret Life of Words: How English Became English By Henry Hitchings Editorial Reviews From The New Yorker This historical tour of the English lexicon considers words as etymological fossils of past dreams and traumas, revealing the preoccupations of the ages that produced them. The nineteenth century’s cult of fine feelings gave currency to sensibility and physiognomy;… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#27, Book of the Week: The Secret Life of Words: How English Became English

ELTWeekly Issue#27, Research Paper: Technology – the ‘Teacher’s Assistant’ for teaching Business Communication

Technology – the ‘Teacher’s Assistant’ for teaching Business Communication By Ms. Mukti Shah Abstract Information and communications technology (ICT) is developing at a great pace and every day it seems to affect more aspects of our lives. Advances in ICT have significantly transformed the business situations. It has become an integral part in all aspects of… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#27, Research Paper: Technology – the ‘Teacher’s Assistant’ for teaching Business Communication

ELTWeekly Issue#27, Research Paper: Teaching of Speaking Skill, Grammar and Vocabulary of English Language

Teaching of Speaking Skill, Grammar and Vocabulary of English Language By Dr. Ravi Bhushan, Lecturer, Department of English, Bhagat Phool Singh mahila Vishwavidyalaya, khanpur Kalan (Sonipat) The various reasons given in response to the question ‘what goes wrong when our students speak English’ can be as follows: a) Students are tongue tied and shy and they refuse to… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#27, Research Paper: Teaching of Speaking Skill, Grammar and Vocabulary of English Language

ELTWeekly Issue#27, Research Article: Significance of Error Analysis in Language Teaching and Learning

Significance of Error Analysis in Language Teaching and Learning by Neha Joshi Error and Mistake In order to analyze learners’ errors in a proper perspective, it is crucial to make a distinction between “mistake” and “error”. According to Brown (2000), a “mistake” refers to a performance error in that it is a failure to utilize… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#27, Research Article: Significance of Error Analysis in Language Teaching and Learning

ELTWeekly Issue #26 Contents

– Quote of the week – Video: Old English: Languages of the World: Introductory Overviews – Research Paper: Relevance of a Digital Language Laboratory to the Teaching and Testing of Listening and Speaking Skills – Research Paper: Importance of English and CAI on outsourcing – Article: EFL Teachers LinkedIn – Article: Teaching pre-school English – Book Review: ‘The Universal Course in FRENCH’… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue #26 Contents

ELTWeekly Issue #26, Video: Old English: Languages of the World: Introductory Overviews

Alexander Arguelles presents a series of videos to provide introductory overviews of the languages of the world. Working diachronically through various language families in turn, he demonstrates how to identify each language, translates a text sample to show how it works, and discusses its genetic affiliation and cultural context. For further information about the series,… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue #26, Video: Old English: Languages of the World: Introductory Overviews

ELTWeekly Issue #26, Research Paper: Relevance of a Digital Language Laboratory to the Teaching and Testing of Listening and Speaking Skills

Relevance of a Digital Language Laboratory to the Teaching and Testing of Listening and Speaking Skills By Atul Bansilal Patil Over the past thirty years, the evolution of technology with rapid developments has changed our workplace, schools, colleges and society. It is hard to believe that as late as the 1980’s, the overhead projector was considered… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue #26, Research Paper: Relevance of a Digital Language Laboratory to the Teaching and Testing of Listening and Speaking Skills

ELTWeekly Issue #26, Research Paper: Importance of English and CAI on outsourcing

Importance of English and CAI on outsourcing By Dr. N.K. Mehta & Dr. D. Mehta Abstract English is the window to the world. It has been regarded as the international language. With the advent of globalization and privatization the world has turned into a “global village”. Modern technology has also helped to give momentum to… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue #26, Research Paper: Importance of English and CAI on outsourcing

ELTWeekly Issue#26, Article: EFL Teachers LinkedIn

EFL Teachers LinkedIn By Karenne Sylvester This article first appeared on How to Learn English (http://kalinago.blogspot.com/) Like everything else in life, you getback what you put in and LinkedIn is no exception to this rule. LinkedIn is a social-networking site, in the way that Facebook, Twitter and Ning are, however, its community function is slightly different –… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#26, Article: EFL Teachers LinkedIn