#36, Research Article: ‘The Use of L1 in Teaching English’ by Ms Daisy

There is no rule that you should never use L1 in English lessons, nor on the other hand is there any excuse for using L1 most of the time. Like many other teaching strategies, the use of L1 involves rapid on-your-feet decision making: is it worth switching to L1 at this point? Or would it be better to stay with English? We should finally free ourselves from the misconceptions and try to appreciate the existing alliance between the L1 and L2. Our ultimate aim should be to have students who are proficient L2 users rather than deficient L1 speakers.

#36, Word of the Week: plumply • PLUMP-lee

WORD: plumply • PLUMP-lee • adverb MEANING : in a wholehearted manner and without hesitation or circumlocution :forthrightly EXAMPLE: Having taken offense at the remark, Sir Jeffrey plumply asked the man if his insult was intentional. To know more about ‘plumply’, please visit http://www.merriam-webster.com

ELTWeekly Issue#35 Contents

– Word of the Week: futurity • fyoo-TOOR-uh-tee – Video: Task Based Learning – new ELT Expert Interview: Interview with Dr. S Mohanraj – Article: Social Networking Sites for Teaching English, Part-3 – Article: Developing Communicative Language Skills – Article: A Need to Study Literature by Students of Technical / Professional / Business Communication – Free eBook: Creative Ways – Slide Show: Harnessing… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#35 Contents

#35, Free eBook: Creative Ways

Starting to teach creative writing in the English language classroom A teaching pack based on materials developed by the British Council in cooperation with the BBC World Service. It was inspired by the British Council’s 15th Oxford Conference on Teaching Literature Overseas, which was held in 2000. The theme of the conference was ‘From critical… Continue reading #35, Free eBook: Creative Ways

#35, Article: Social Networking Sites for Teaching English, Part-3

For language teachers Facebook could prove to be a boon if utilized well. I am going to divide this article into two parts. In part-1 we will focus on how to utilize Facebook without applications and the second part will deal with the Facebook with Applications.

#35, Interview with Dr. S Mohanraj, EFL University

Dear readers, We are very happy to mark the beginning of this ELT Experts Interview Series. Today we have with us Dr Sathuvalli Mohanraj of EFL University. Dr S Mohanraj was born in Mysore and was educated there till he attained his postgraduate degree in English.  Later he worked there for seven years and subsequently… Continue reading #35, Interview with Dr. S Mohanraj, EFL University

#35, Article: Developing Communicative Language Skills

Developing Communicative Language Skills by Prof (Dr) Shefali Bakshi Developing communication skills is not only the responsibility of language teachers but also subject teachers. Classrooms are set up for the purpose of communicating ideas and not to impose our ideas on young and growing minds. Teaching has to be innovative, dynamic, and most of all interactive.… Continue reading #35, Article: Developing Communicative Language Skills