#41, Research Article: ‘The English Language of Novices Interface the Native English Speakers in a Teaching Centre’ by Aadhi Ramesh Babu & A. Komuraiah

The English Language of Novices Interface the Native English Speakers in a Teaching Centre by Aadhi  Ramesh Babu & A. Komuraiah This paper focuses on the problems faced by non native English speaking students studying abroad at English speaking universities. It points out the difficulties that Indian students are facing many problems when they participate… Continue reading #41, Research Article: ‘The English Language of Novices Interface the Native English Speakers in a Teaching Centre’ by Aadhi Ramesh Babu & A. Komuraiah

#41, Research Paper: ‘Correlating the Performance of ESL Students in Reading Comprehension Passages with Their Reading Habits’ by N.Pratheeba

Correlating the Performance of ESL Students in Reading Comprehension Passages with Their Reading Habits by Dr.N.Pratheeba, Lecturer in English, Kamaraj College of Engineering and technology, Virudhunagar,Tamilnadu,India. Abstrat Tackling reading comprehension passages is an onerous task for any student. But reading comprehension passages are an essential part of any competitive examination, be it, IELTS, TOEFL, CAT,… Continue reading #41, Research Paper: ‘Correlating the Performance of ESL Students in Reading Comprehension Passages with Their Reading Habits’ by N.Pratheeba

ELTWeekly Issue#40 Contents

Video: Culture and Identity in Language Learning and Use Research Article: ‘Language learning and age’ by Mahsa mohammadi kia Video: How to Teach Basic Conversational English Research Article: ‘Teaching Reading to Autistic Students’ by Jessy Vanaja ELT Resource: Teachit eBook: English Next Event: English for Progress: Third Policy Dialogue November 18 – 20, 2009, New… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#40 Contents

#40, Event: English for Progress: Third Policy Dialogue November 18 – 20, 2009, New Delhi

In 2007, the British Council organised its First English Policy Dialogue in Chennai and followed-up the next year in Kolkatta with the Second Policy Dialogue. The aim of the Policy Dialogues has been to provide stakeholders with a platform for sharing models of best practice, knowledge and experience. Further, it also provides an opportunity to discuss issues… Continue reading #40, Event: English for Progress: Third Policy Dialogue November 18 – 20, 2009, New Delhi

#40, eBook: English Next

English Next was commissioned by the British Council and written by researcher David Graddol – a British applied linguist, well known as a writer, broadcaster, researcher and consultant on issues relating to global English. The new report argues that we are already in a very new kind of environment and a new phase in the… Continue reading #40, eBook: English Next

#40, ELT Resource: Teachit

Teachit is a tried and trusted education resource used by thousands of teachers nationwide. Specialising in English, Drama and Media Studies from primary to post-16, the online Teachit library offers 12,044 pages of classroom materials, schemes of work, lesson plans and teaching tools, all created by working teachers and – thanks to our team of Teachit… Continue reading #40, ELT Resource: Teachit

#40, Video: How to Teach Basic Conversational English

Teach basic conversational English to people by keeping things simple, practicing introductions that provide personal information and discussing topics relative to their homes and family. Teach English sentence structure, grammar and vocabulary with help from a teacher in this free video on education. Expert: Michael Walter Mitchell Bio: Michael Walter Mitchell has a masters degree… Continue reading #40, Video: How to Teach Basic Conversational English

#40, Video: Culture and Identity in Language Learning and Use

Anaheim University Dean of the Graduate School of Education Dr. David Nunan gives the third joint TESOL Seminar at Seoul National University in Korea, speaking on “Culture and Identity in Language Learning and Use”, reading excerpts from his forthcoming textbook looking at the cultural aspects of language teaching and learning.