#43, Download Webinar: Pronunciation in Communication: An Aviation Perspective

Pronunciation is an essential ingredient in the ability to communicate effectively. This is illustrated in the new requirements for pilots and air traffic controllers to be able to pass their message successfully. Perfection is not the goal but mutual intelligibility is. In this webanair I’ll look at the background to the requirements and question whether the traditional method of pronunciation teaching is relevant for the modern International English world.

#43, eBook: Language Teaching Projects for the Third World

This Document, from 1983, offers a selection of project case studies and commentaries from various African contexts. Most of the projects were British Council-run. The authors reflect the preoccupations of expatriate project workers of the day, and the lack of African contributors strikes the modern reader immediately. Nevertheless, this is a valuable resource for those interested in the history of English for development and the role of donor agencies.

ELTWeekly Issue#43 Postponed

Dear friends, we are engaged in some soco-academic activities for a few days which would require constant attention and thus it has not been possible to post the issue for ths week. We will be right there in your inbox with ELTWeekly Issue#43 next Monday 🙂 thanks, Tarun

ELTWeekly Issue#42 Contents

Video-1: PTE Academic: Pearson’s vision of English learning Download Webinar: ‘New technology – new pedagogies’ by Pete Sharma Video-2: Motivating Young Learners Article: Using the Holy Bible As an Authentic Language Learning Text Research Article: Technology, ELT and Literature Teaching eBook: Developments in the Training of Teachers of English ELT Resource: ESL-Library.com GUIDELINES FOR CONTRIBUTORS… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#42 Contents

#42, Download Webinar: ‘New technology – new pedagogies’ by Pete Sharma

‘New technology – new pedagogies’ by Pete Sharma This webinar looks at some of the key new technologies in English language teaching, then provides an overview of some of the emerging ‘new pedagogies’. Download this webinar now for your iPod / iPhone / iTunes

#42, Article: Using the Holy Bible As an Authentic Language Learning Text

Using the Holy Bible As an Authentic Language Learning Text By Larry M. Lynch Foreign Language Learning There are a slew of commercial textbooks, guidebooks and all manner of language learning study aids when studying English as a foreign or second language. The same is true for most other main stream, major languages like French,… Continue reading #42, Article: Using the Holy Bible As an Authentic Language Learning Text