#51, Article: ‘Homework’ by TE Editor

Homework by BBC TeachingEnglish Editor “Homework seems to be an accepted part of teachers’ and students’ routines, but there is little mention of it in ELT literature. The role of homework is hardly mentioned in the majority of general ELT texts or training courses, suggesting that there is little question as to its value even… Continue reading #51, Article: ‘Homework’ by TE Editor

#51, Research Paper: With What Frequency Are Teachers Employing Evidenced-Based Procedures in Their Writing Classrooms?

With What Frequency Are Teachers Employing Evidenced-Based Procedures in Their Writing Classrooms? by Soiferman, L. Karen; Boyd, Karen; Straw, Stanley B. Background: The need for improvement in writing instruction in schools is dependent on teachers being aware of evidence-based procedures in writing and implementing them on a regular basis in their classrooms. Purpose: The purpose of this… Continue reading #51, Research Paper: With What Frequency Are Teachers Employing Evidenced-Based Procedures in Their Writing Classrooms?

#51, Article: ‘Task Oriented Meta-cognitive Approach In English Language Teaching And Learning’ by Mansa R. Maity

Task Oriented Meta-cognitive Approach In English Language Teaching And Learning by Mansa R. Maity, RGUKT-APIIIT, Basar. Introduction: English language is one of the richest languages in the world, in respect of literature and culture. English literature contains some of the finest utterances of life and conduct. In it we have the “Authorized Version of Bible”, the… Continue reading #51, Article: ‘Task Oriented Meta-cognitive Approach In English Language Teaching And Learning’ by Mansa R. Maity

ELTWeekly Issue#50 Contents

Book of the Month: ‘Provoking Thought: Memory and Thinking in ELT’ by Hall Houston Opportunity: Do you want to be an ELT TV star? Video: How to Organize Yourself When You Start Teaching English News: Ker-pow! Cambridge literature centre is to study comics and blogs ELT Resource: English-4U Research Paper: The Study of Foreign Language… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#50 Contents

#50, Book of the Month: ‘Provoking Thought: Memory and Thinking in ELT’ by Hall Houston

Provoking Thought: Memory and Thinking in ELT Authored by Hall Houston This book, Provoking Thought, is a resource book of activities for the language classroom. The activities are designed for an ESL/EFL context, but they can also be adapted for teaching other languages. The five chapters of this book cover five areas: thinking, memory, creativity, critical thinking,… Continue reading #50, Book of the Month: ‘Provoking Thought: Memory and Thinking in ELT’ by Hall Houston

#50, Research Paper: ‘Language Based Approaches to Using Literature in Teaching English’ by Dr.N.V.Bose

Language Based Approaches to Using Literature in Teaching English by Dr.N.V.Bose, Institute of Language Teaching, Jamnagar. Introduction Literature itself has been greatly enriched by recent developments in the field of critical theory. Structuralism, Deconstructionism, Reader-response theory, Feminist and Marxist criticism are just some of the branches of critical theory which have been challenging the ways in which… Continue reading #50, Research Paper: ‘Language Based Approaches to Using Literature in Teaching English’ by Dr.N.V.Bose

#50, eBook: Research in the Language Classroom

This book, from 1990, looked at the practical benefits for teachers of classroom research. It consists of papers from practitioners from countries in Europe, North America and Australasia, but with detailed reference to a wider variety of global teaching contexts. Topics range from ‘Investigating Learners’ Language’ to ‘Researching Teachers: Behaviour and Belief’. Download the ‘Research… Continue reading #50, eBook: Research in the Language Classroom

#50, ELT Resource: English-4U

English-4U Offers Printable ESL lesson plans for teaching adult learners designed for one-to-one and group classes focused on developing speaking skills based on current news stories and hit songs easily integrated with coursebook material available 24 hours a day, wherever you are developed by teachers for teachers As a teacher who has a lot of one-to-one… Continue reading #50, ELT Resource: English-4U

#50, Download Webinar: The power of lists

Lindsay Clandfield says, “From grocery lists to to-do lists, top ten lists to worst ever lists, lists are everywhere. What is it about lists that draws our attention? In this webinar I will look at the power of lists. We will explore some popular lists in the language teaching profession and I will share with you… Continue reading #50, Download Webinar: The power of lists

#50, Research Paper: The Study of Foreign Language Teachers– Teacher Efficacy and Native Speakership

The Study of Foreign Language Teachers– Teacher Efficacy and Native Speakership by Liaw, En-Chong Abstract This study aims at examining the differences between native and nonnative foreign language teachers at a major northeast university. The primary areas of investigation are “teacher efficacy” and “teacher perceptions of language teaching.” The results of this study suggested that… Continue reading #50, Research Paper: The Study of Foreign Language Teachers– Teacher Efficacy and Native Speakership