08 February 2009 — An English teacher in Japan teaches English using Obama’s speech as the material.
#60, Article: ‘Teaching Spoken English for Non-native Students: Problems, Solutions and Techniques’ by A. RAMESH BABU
How an English teacher would teaches spoken English for the regional medium students? Teaching English in India as a second language is difficult or easy? There is no way students can become fluent faster unless they are exposed to the language they are to learn. This paper aims to provide English Language teachers with a… Continue reading #60, Article: ‘Teaching Spoken English for Non-native Students: Problems, Solutions and Techniques’ by A. RAMESH BABU
#60, Research Paper: ‘The Role of Critical and Creative Thinking in TESL Context’ by Dr. Paritosh Chandra Dugar
The Role of Critical and Creative Thinking in TESL Context by Dr. Paritosh Chandra Dugar, Vice-Principal, SMB Govt. P.G. College, Nathdwara(Rajasthan) The paper is an endeavour to study the role of critical and creative thinking driven especially by questioning in enhancing the efficacy of TESL and learning of L2 in India. If we as teachers of English asked… Continue reading #60, Research Paper: ‘The Role of Critical and Creative Thinking in TESL Context’ by Dr. Paritosh Chandra Dugar
ELTWeekly Issue#59
ELTWeekly, a refereed journal and newsletter [Issue 59 | May 2010 | ISSN 0975-3036] Tip of the week: Use Phonic Games to Help Children Internalize the Phonic System Video: Picture Stories for ESL (TESOL) News: British Council launches mobile apps Article: Using web resources to create tasks with real outcomes Research Paper: Teaching how to present ‘Opinions… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#59
#59, Next issue to be published on June 14
Dear friends, I am taking a short vacation for next two weeks, so the issue# 60 of ELTWeekly will be published on Monday June 14. enjoy, Tarun
#59, Tip of the week: Use Phonics Games to Help Children Internalize the Phonic System
Greta Jackson, a British expert in the teaching of reading has recently launched a set of 20 phonics games. These games help the children internalize the phonic system and learn to read faster. This is mainly for children at the nursery and primary level. To watch videos of the game in action and to see… Continue reading #59, Tip of the week: Use Phonics Games to Help Children Internalize the Phonic System
#59, Article: Using web resources to create tasks with real outcomes
I consider the greatest problem facing me as a language teacher is knowing how to motivate my students: how to get them past the hurdle of seeing learning English as just another academic subject, to regarding it as developing a communication tool that will be useful for them throughout their lives. Over the last years… Continue reading #59, Article: Using web resources to create tasks with real outcomes
#59, News: British Council launches mobile apps
You can now point your English students in the direction of some new, free mobile applications for iPhone/iPod Touch and Android – or maybe give them a go yourself? On iTunes you’ll find Elementary Podcasts, Big City Small World, and MyWordbook, the first two being based on materials on the new LearnEnglish site. Meanwhile on Android… Continue reading #59, News: British Council launches mobile apps
#59, Video: Picture Stories for ESL (TESOL)
Watch this video to learn how Antonio Graceffo uses ALG, Automatic Language Growth theory, to teach English in Taiwan. ALG is a listening based second language acquisition theory developed by Dr. J. Marvin Brown, an American Linguist. The method is currently being employed in Bangkok, where David Long heads a Thai language program, while furthering… Continue reading #59, Video: Picture Stories for ESL (TESOL)
#59, Research Paper: Teaching how to present ‘Opinions and Views’ to develop Independent rhetorical writing in the Students of Professional Courses
Teaching how to present ‘Opinions and Views’ to develop Independent rhetorical writing in the Students of Professional Courses by Dr. K. Madhavi Reddy, Sr. Asst Professor of English, CVR College of Engineering, Ibrahimpatan, Hyderabad In the present context of teaching/ learning reading and writing in L2 instruction, most often it is observed that the professional students have necessary… Continue reading #59, Research Paper: Teaching how to present ‘Opinions and Views’ to develop Independent rhetorical writing in the Students of Professional Courses