Artificial Intelligence is already being used to help learners learn a broad range of subjects. It is also being used to inform the teaching process and related decisions such as what aspects a learner can develop well via technology, and which areas are still best left to a human teacher to address. In this panel… Continue reading Panel discussion: technology in education with Rupert Wegerif, Rose Luckin and Ryan Irvan [Video]
What the pandemic has taught us and how CPD programmes can become even better [Video]
“The basic rule of a crisis is that you don’t come out of it the same.” – Pope Francis Over the last 15 months it has been wonderful to see teachers’ motivation and determination to develop the necessary pedagogic and digital skills to cope with the most significant global disruption to education in living memory.… Continue reading What the pandemic has taught us and how CPD programmes can become even better [Video]
How can I start preparing learners for a Cambridge English Qualification?
You can read the full article on Cambridge English Blog. Are you thinking of preparing learners for a Cambridge English Qualification for the first time? Our qualifications help students improve their English language skills step-by-step and keep them motivated throughout their learning journey. This guide will show you how to assess your students’ level, provide some tips… Continue reading How can I start preparing learners for a Cambridge English Qualification?
Developing listening skills with practical ideas [Video]
How to help your learners develop their confidence in listening
You can read the full article on Cambridge English Blog. We often think of speaking and writing as the most challenging of the four language skills but what about the receptive skills? With reading, learners have time to think, but listening in another language presents a very different set of challenges for the learner. How… Continue reading How to help your learners develop their confidence in listening
5 Fresh Games For Teaching English – Using Dice!
Read the full article on OUP ELT Global Blog. Do you use dice in your English classes? I love using dice to create games for teaching English, as there are so many things you can do with them. You don’t even have to have two of them, one die can be enough. I love the… Continue reading 5 Fresh Games For Teaching English – Using Dice!
Teaching Resources For The Oxford Student’s Dictionary
You can read the full article on OUP ELT Global Blog. Are your students studying other subjects through the medium of English? Use the NEW Oxford Student’s Dictionary Fourth Edition in your lesson to build vocabulary, improve skills and broaden curriculum coverage, whilst also improving your students’ dictionary skills. Updated with the latest vocabulary, NEW Writing and Speaking Tutor,… Continue reading Teaching Resources For The Oxford Student’s Dictionary
ELTWeekly Volume 12, Issue 11 | June 2021
Birthday Activities For English Language Learning Is English language teaching for you? A guide to a new career Story Writing Elements How Multisensory Activities Enhance Reading Skills Making Classrooms More Inclusive for Multilingual Learners [Video] Podcasts in ELT Inclusive Practices in Your Classroom [Video] How to help your IELTS students stay motivated.
How to help your IELTS students stay motivated
Here is a useful article by Pete Jones from CUP. Keeping students motivated, especially for exams and tests, will always be a challenge for teachers. There are in fact two kinds of motivation, and understanding how both of these work will help to create better learning strategies for students. Pete Jones has been helping IELTS test… Continue reading How to help your IELTS students stay motivated