Characteristics of Indian English by Dr. Asma Rizwan, People’s Institute of Management & Research, Bhopal ABSTRACT English has been in India since the early 1600’s, when the East India Company started trading and English missionaries first began their efforts. English started life in India as not just a foreign language, but as a much-hated language. A large number… Continue reading #37, Research Paper: Characteristics of Indian English
Category: ELTWeekly
#36, Research Article: ‘Language and Culture’ by Mahsa Kia
Culture is the act of developing the intellectual and moral faculties especially by education.(Webster dictionary)
The national centre for cultural competence defines culture as an” integrated pattern of human behavior that includes thoughts, communications, languages, practices, beliefs, values, customs, courtesies, rituals, manners of interacting and roles, relationships and expected behaviors of racial, ethnic, religious or social group; and the ability to transmit the above to the succeeding generation.(Good,Sockalingam,Brown&Jones,2000)
#36, Research Article: ‘The Use of L1 in Teaching English’ by Ms Daisy
There is no rule that you should never use L1 in English lessons, nor on the other hand is there any excuse for using L1 most of the time. Like many other teaching strategies, the use of L1 involves rapid on-your-feet decision making: is it worth switching to L1 at this point? Or would it be better to stay with English? We should finally free ourselves from the misconceptions and try to appreciate the existing alliance between the L1 and L2. Our ultimate aim should be to have students who are proficient L2 users rather than deficient L1 speakers.
#35, Article: Social Networking Sites for Teaching English, Part-3
For language teachers Facebook could prove to be a boon if utilized well. I am going to divide this article into two parts. In part-1 we will focus on how to utilize Facebook without applications and the second part will deal with the Facebook with Applications.
ELTWeekly Issue#34, Research Paper: Anxiety in Language Learning
Anxiety in Language Learning by Melahat Amir Jahansouz Shahi, Iran Abstract Anxiety is one of the most challenging obstacles to overcome in learning a new foreign language. Learners are afraid of making mistakes, of looking and sounding foolish, of being vulnerable. They like feeling smart, worthy of admiration, respected for their skills and knowledge, knowing their… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#34, Research Paper: Anxiety in Language Learning