** This paper is submitted by Dr. Richa Tewari, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Professional Communication, Pranveer Singh Institute of Technology, Kanpur – India. Abstract Ever-increasing global competition and the varying nature of most technical professions have made soft skills more than simply a prerequisite. To employers, technical professionals must not only master their technical disciplines, but also chip in… Continue reading #68, Research Article: ‘Training Students in Soft Skills for the Liberalization, Privatization & Globalization Era’ by Dr. Richa Tewari
Category: ELTWeekly
ELTWeekly Issue#67
Video: English Conversation Methods of Teaching for Junior high school students in Japan Word of the week: Alveolar consonants News: Robot Teachers! (Coming Soon to a Classroom Near You) Article: Teaching Online English – Importance of Teaching the English Language As Source of Income’ by Jayson Pino Guevarra Article: Cuisenaire rods in the language classroom… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#67
#67, Research Paper: ‘Emerging Need of Nationwide Training and Development of English Language Teachers of Primary Schools’ by Pratap Kumar Dash
Emerging Need of Nationwide Training and Development of English Language Teachers of Primary Schools by Pratap Kumar Dash (Ph.D. ,P.G.D.T.E.,P.G.D.C.E), Assistant Professor of English, Faculty of Education, Brak Sebha University, Libya Abstract The paper focuses on the importance of ELT in India at present. Then, it points out the current practice of teaching of English… Continue reading #67, Research Paper: ‘Emerging Need of Nationwide Training and Development of English Language Teachers of Primary Schools’ by Pratap Kumar Dash
#66, Research Paper: ‘Gender differences in using cohesive devices while writing’ by Sara Vali and Parnaz Kianiparsa
Gender differences in using cohesive devices while writing by Sara Vali and Parnaz Kianiparsa Abstract The present study investigated gender differences in using cohesive devices while writing. About 24 (male and female) M.A. students of Payam Noor University (PNU) who were studying English language teaching participated in this study. The instrument used for eliciting their… Continue reading #66, Research Paper: ‘Gender differences in using cohesive devices while writing’ by Sara Vali and Parnaz Kianiparsa
#66, Research Paper: ‘Rainy Dinot School Jaabor Mon Naathaake, Kintu Nogole Midday Meal Miss Karu-je…’ by Mahananda Pathak
‘Rainy Dinot School Jaabor Mon Naathaake, Kintu Nogole Midday Meal Miss Karu-je…’ (We don’t feel like going to school on a rainy day, but if we don’t go we miss the midday meal) by Mahananda Pathak, PhD participant (ELT), English and Foreign Languages University (EFLU), Hyderabad, India. Abstract This paper reports an exploratory study to… Continue reading #66, Research Paper: ‘Rainy Dinot School Jaabor Mon Naathaake, Kintu Nogole Midday Meal Miss Karu-je…’ by Mahananda Pathak
ELTWeekly Issue#65
ELT Video: Shaping the Way We Teach English: Module 13, Peer Observation in Teaching Practices Word of the Week: Action research Book Review: ‘English and Communication Skills for Students of Science and Engineering’ by Dr. S. P. Dhanavel Article: ‘Teaching English Language to Beginners’ by Mako Fisher Article: ‘Allow Reading Aloud to Feel Proud Article:… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#65
ELTWeekly Issue#64
Video: Middle English: Languages of the World News-1: Take notes by texting News-2: Dispatch: Learning ‘Globish’ Research Paper: ‘Patterns of the Iranian Advanced Learners’ Problems with English Collocations’ by Abbas Ali Zarei Article: ICT in ELT: Using BBC Learning English Content in ELT, Part 2 Article: ‘English Language Teaching – How to Use MindMaps’ by… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#64
#64, ELT Research Paper: ‘Patterns of the Iranian Advanced Learners’ Problems with English Collocations’ by Abbas Ali Zarei
Abstract Collocations are a pervasive feature of many languages and English seems to be particularly rich in such multi-word lexemes. They have not been a major focus of teaching and research, however, despite the fact that learners have serious problems with the production of idiomatically correct language . The present study , therefore, aimed at… Continue reading #64, ELT Research Paper: ‘Patterns of the Iranian Advanced Learners’ Problems with English Collocations’ by Abbas Ali Zarei
ELTWeekly Issue#63
Video: Enhance your ICT presentation skills in class News: What the Multi-Billion Dollar ESL Industry Doesn’t Want You to Know! ELT Conferences and Workshops, August 2010 Research Article: ‘Teaching Literature through Language: Some Considerations’ by Abraham Panavelil Abraham Research Article: ‘TBL: a focused approach in teaching ESL’ by Dr. G.A. Ghanshyam Article: Portfolios in ELT… Continue reading ELTWeekly Issue#63
#63, Article: ‘Looking at Sri Lankn English with hindsight’ by Rohana R. Wasala
The following excerpt has been retrieved from the article ‘Looking at Sri Lankn English with hindsight’ by Rohana R. Wasala (http://www.island.lk/index.php) As an ordinary citizen and an English language teaching (ELT) professional with some experience, I have no quarrel with the notion of Sri Lankan English/es or the idea of a standard form of it… Continue reading #63, Article: ‘Looking at Sri Lankn English with hindsight’ by Rohana R. Wasala