‘Rehabilitating the Contrastive Analysis through the Use of First language in the English Language Classroom’ by Shivani

Abstract Throughout much of the history of research into second language acquisition (SLA), the role of learners’ first language (L1) in the second language (L2) learning has been a hotly debated issue. Different viewpoints are but a mere reflection of the different methodological shifts in English Language Teaching (ELT). I believe that L1 of the… Continue reading ‘Rehabilitating the Contrastive Analysis through the Use of First language in the English Language Classroom’ by Shivani

‘Multi-media Tools: The Most Effective Weapons to Teach English Language’ by Kaushik Trivedi

Contribution statement Prior research has shown that the teaching-learning through multi-media tools affects a lot in enhancing learning of English. Multi-media tools should be interwoven in teaching of English Language. This research supports the given idea and shows the effect of multi-media tools in teaching-learning of English Language at Government Primary Schools. Research paper focuses… Continue reading ‘Multi-media Tools: The Most Effective Weapons to Teach English Language’ by Kaushik Trivedi

‘Teaching Techniques Deployed at Various Stages of Ameliorating Listening Alongside Facets & Nuances of Sub-skills Bonded with It – CLT Approach of ELT’ by V. Harindhar Reddy

AUTHOR’S NOTE “A wise old owl sat in an oak; the longer he sat, the less he spoke. The less he spoke the more he heard. Why can’t we be like the old wise bird?” Why is listening ABC of a language? A child shoots its mouth off only after listening to the parents and… Continue reading ‘Teaching Techniques Deployed at Various Stages of Ameliorating Listening Alongside Facets & Nuances of Sub-skills Bonded with It – CLT Approach of ELT’ by V. Harindhar Reddy

‘Using English Songs: An Enjoyable and Effective Approach to English Language Teaching’ by Dr. Sheila Vijay

Abstract How can English Language Teaching be made enjoyable and effective? One possible pedagogical application is to integrate English songs into English Language Teaching. Song, a combination of music and lyrics, possesses many intrinsic merits, such as kaleidoscope of culture, expressiveness, recitability and therapeutic functions, which render it an invaluable source for language teaching. This… Continue reading ‘Using English Songs: An Enjoyable and Effective Approach to English Language Teaching’ by Dr. Sheila Vijay

‘Difficulties Experienced in Creative Writing by High School Students in English’ by Bindhu T.S.

Introduction Creative writing can be considered as a piece of work that expresses thoughts, ideas and feelings in an imaginative way. It is any writing that goes beyond the normal professional, journalistic, academic, technical forms of literature typically identified by an emphasis on narrative craft, character development and the use of literary tropes. In the… Continue reading ‘Difficulties Experienced in Creative Writing by High School Students in English’ by Bindhu T.S.

‘Empowering Youth with Soft Skills’ by B Shoba Rao

Abstract Soft skills include emotional/social/multiple intelligences and have come to be key skills for students at the tertiary level as many of them join jobs on completion of their degree. So it is mandatory to look at ways of making them master these skills with a wonderful learning experience. Soft skills is a compulsory subject… Continue reading ‘Empowering Youth with Soft Skills’ by B Shoba Rao

‘Primacy of English Language and Active ELT through Activities’ by A. Satya Phani Kumari

Abstract: In this present speedy world, everyone prefers to give concise answers and terse replies rather than chatty and prolonged answers. The prattle and protract answers waste the valuable time of the busy and successful people. For this we need proficiency in English.  As English is the lingua-franca in this global village, it is essential… Continue reading ‘Primacy of English Language and Active ELT through Activities’ by A. Satya Phani Kumari

‘Teaching Speaking Skills to enhance effective Communication Skills’ by Heera G Rajwani

Abstract Communication is an essential ingredient of any system. It’s effective use can enhance our efficiency in any field of endeavor and improper use can lead to disastrous consequences. Effective communication, therefore, leads to more effective performance and provides information necessary for an enterprise to adjust to changing world. Communication is effective if each step… Continue reading ‘Teaching Speaking Skills to enhance effective Communication Skills’ by Heera G Rajwani

‘A Critical Study of the Course in Communication Skills Offered in the Engineering Colleges Affiliated to Gujarat Technological University (GTU)’ by Pushpendra C. Sinora

Abstract In this rapidly changing globalized world, proficiency in English is considered as one of the crucial employability skills. It is considered life skill or ‘survival skill’ in the 21st century. Students of professional courses especially Engineering need to be able to think critically, solve problems, communicate clearly, be creative and work in a team… Continue reading ‘A Critical Study of the Course in Communication Skills Offered in the Engineering Colleges Affiliated to Gujarat Technological University (GTU)’ by Pushpendra C. Sinora

‘Teaching Spoken English at Tertiary Level: A Communicative Approach’ by D. Vasundhara

Author note This research work is carried on by me in the hope of answering many queries which posed a challenge in my service as a teacher. My students, specially in the rural areas where I served, always expressed their wish to speak in English and asked for solutions. The prescribed texts and curriculum could… Continue reading ‘Teaching Spoken English at Tertiary Level: A Communicative Approach’ by D. Vasundhara