Research Paper: ‘Error Analysis and the EFL Classroom Teaching’ by Rosa Muñoz Luna

ELTWeekly Vol. 5 Issue#38 | October 28, 2013 | ISSN 0975-3036 The following article aims to revisit Selinker’s theory of Interlanguage by analysing a group of undergraduates’ written scripts in L2. The initial outcomes of the study establish a linguistic parallelism between students’ Interlingua and English as a lingua franca in the academic world. In the… Continue reading Research Paper: ‘Error Analysis and the EFL Classroom Teaching’ by Rosa Muñoz Luna

Conference: ‘Innovations in English Language Teaching’, November 23, Chennai-India

ELTWeekly Vol. 5 Issue#38 | October 28, 2013 | ISSN 0975-3036 SRM EASWARI Engineering College, Chennai is organising a National Conference on ‘ Innovations in English Language Teaching’-IELT 2013 on 23rd November 2013. The objective of the conference is to bring together the teachers and researchers of ELT and to promote the transfer and exchange of innovative… Continue reading Conference: ‘Innovations in English Language Teaching’, November 23, Chennai-India

Conference: ‘Navigating Diaspora’, March 2014, Silchar-India

ELTWeekly Vol. 5 Issue#38 | October 28, 2013 | ISSN 0975-3036 The Department of English, Assam University, Silchar, and Forum for English Studies, Assam University, Silchar, will jointly organize a two-day National Conference on “Navigating Diaspora” during 11-12 March, 2014. The conference will be organized around plenary sessions, panel discussions and presentations by participants. Proposals for presentation at the… Continue reading Conference: ‘Navigating Diaspora’, March 2014, Silchar-India

Research Paper: ‘Error Analysis and the EFL Classroom Teaching’ by Xie & Jiang

ELTWeekly Vol. 5 Issue#38 | October 28, 2013 | ISSN 0975-3036 This paper makes a study of error analysis and its implementation in the EFL (English as Foreign Language) classroom teaching. It starts by giving a systematic review of the concepts and theories concerning EA (Error Analysis), the various reasons causing errors are comprehensively explored. The… Continue reading Research Paper: ‘Error Analysis and the EFL Classroom Teaching’ by Xie & Jiang

Research Paper: ‘Task-Based Navigation of a Taxonomy Interface to a Digital Repository’ by Khoo, Wang & Chaudhry

ELTWeekly Vol. 5 Issue#38 | October 28, 2013 | ISSN 0975-3036 This is a study of hierarchical navigation; how users browse a taxonomy-based interface to an organizational repository to locate information resources. The study is part of a project to develop a taxonomy for an library and information science department to organize resources and support user… Continue reading Research Paper: ‘Task-Based Navigation of a Taxonomy Interface to a Digital Repository’ by Khoo, Wang & Chaudhry

Seminar: ‘Inclusive Education: Techniques of Teaching English to Differently-abled Students’, University of Hyderabad, January 23-24, 2014

ELTWeekly Vol. 5 Issue#37 | October 21, 2013 | ISSN 0975-3036 University of Hyderabad’s Centre for English Language Studies’ Seminar cum workshop Inclusive Education: Techniques of Teaching English to Differently-abled Students 23 & 24 January, 2014 The term Inclusive Education has gained more importance all over the globe and more so in India in the last decade.… Continue reading Seminar: ‘Inclusive Education: Techniques of Teaching English to Differently-abled Students’, University of Hyderabad, January 23-24, 2014

Conference: ‘International Conference for Academic Disciplines’, Austria, April 6-10, 2014

ELTWeekly Vol. 5 Issue#37 | October 21, 2013 | ISSN 0975-3036 The IJAS Conference Series takes place annually in several cities across Europe and North America. The series has three primary aims. The first aim is to provide opportunities for academics from a range of disciplines and countries to share their research both through the conference… Continue reading Conference: ‘International Conference for Academic Disciplines’, Austria, April 6-10, 2014

Conference: University of Riverside’s ‘2013 Fall Global Conference on Education’, California, USA, November 2013

ELTWeekly Vol. 5 Issue#36 | October 7, 2013 | ISSN 0975-3036 2013 FALL GLOBAL CONFERENCE ON EDUCATION PROGRAM & CALL FOR PAPERS November 15 – 16, 2013 – Ontario, California USA (Los Angeles Metro) CONFERENCE LOCATION Ontario Airport Hotel Formally Ontario Hilton 700 N Haven Ave. Ontario, California  91764 USA Phone (909) 481-1743 Fax  (909) 941-6781… Continue reading Conference: University of Riverside’s ‘2013 Fall Global Conference on Education’, California, USA, November 2013

Conference: ‘Language in Focus’, Antalya, Turkey, March 2014

ELTWeekly Vol. 5 Issue#36 | October 7, 2013 | ISSN 0975-3036 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON APPLIED LINGUISTICS AND ELT ELT Department of Faculty of Education, Cukurova University, Adana, Turkey is holding 1st INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON APPLIED LINGUISTICS AND ELT / Language in Focus Exploring the challenges and opportunities in Linguistics and English Language Teaching Antalya, Turkey, March 27-29, 2014 The conference is… Continue reading Conference: ‘Language in Focus’, Antalya, Turkey, March 2014

Conference: JALT’s ’39th Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning’, Japan, October 2013

ELTWeekly Vol. 5 Issue#36 | October 7, 2013 | ISSN 0975-3036 We start to learn even before we are born and continue learning throughout our lives. It’s an important part of the life voyage of each human being. Every one of us has learning stories—our own stories as well as the ones we contribute to as… Continue reading Conference: JALT’s ’39th Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning’, Japan, October 2013