Artificial Intelligence in EFL Classrooms: Friend or Foe? [Research]

Here is an interesting research paper titled “Artificial Intelligence in EFL Classrooms: Friend or Foe?”.

The disruptive impacts of Artificial Intelligence (AI) are currently affecting various aspects of society, including education. Despite some doubts and fears, many studies suggest that AI could offer advantages to education, and AI-based applications have been developed for teaching and learning, and English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classrooms in particular. One way to understand whether AI could be harmful or beneficial to EFL teaching and learning is to see from the teachers’ perceptions. Hence, this study investigated how teachers perceive the use of AI in their EFL classrooms. The data was collected through interviews with four EFL teachers in a university in Indonesia who have had the experience of integrating AI in their teaching practices. The results show that all teachers had positive perceptions towards the use of AI in their classrooms. The teachers agreed that AI could help teachers teach and students learn. Moreover, the interview data also indicates that students’ motivational levels and teachers’ technological and pedagogical competence should be put into consideration when integrating AI into EFL classrooms.

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