5 ways to bring texts to life in teen classes

Here is another insightful article from Cambridge English Blog.

Lauren Pitts says, “Do your teens think reading is boring? Your lessons are the perfect setting to show them it’s not! Staring at a page reading in silence won’t interest students, so explore different types of texts in these 5 fun, interactive ways. These tips are from Paula Alvarez, who you probably recognise from Learn English with Cambridge!

Teens often think that reading in English is going to be very difficult, so they can be daunted by it. And something that’s daunting isn’t something that they can enjoy, right? Wrong! Let’s show them that reading is a brilliant way to explore the world. Just like you’re going to bring texts to life, Paula’s brought her tips to life in the video below! Watch the video to see how you can engage your teens with texts in the following ways:

  • Creating videos
  • Debates.”

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