6 Super ESL Games for Grammar Review

This BusyTeacher article on ESL games will surely be helpful to every English teacher. The full article is available here.

Review lessons can be boring enough, but grammar reviews are precisely the type of thing that makes students want to skip class and reappear only for the test. Now, what if you were to give your students a grammar review they wouldn’t want to miss? Here are some classic games you can adapt to any level and use to review essential structures. You will have a full classroom during your reviews lessons – guaranteed!

Try These 6 Super ESL Games for Grammar Review

1. Shoot for Points

We often need to review things that are no fun, things like the past simple or past participle of irregular verbs. Instead of the classic Q & A, try this. Use a large container or trash can as your “basket”, give your students a ball and have them shoot for points. But here’s the catch: you’ll ask them a question in past simple, and they’ll have to remember the past correctly in order to earn the chance to shoot.

6 Super ESL Games for Grammar Review