Common Errors in English [Book Review]

Had I been asked to rename this book, I would have titled it as ‘Learn English through errors’. This unique book can be used by anybody in India who wants to improve their English. Each chapter opens with a short and simple introduction of the topic, and examples with errors and the corrected form help the learner to understand the syntax and semantics of the English language in a better way. The chapters: Aesthetic Errors, Miscellaneous Errors, and Unique Indian English Expressions are like the icing on a cake. This book can be used as a reference book for students
appearing for any competitive examinations and English language proficiency tests. In addition, English Language teachers in India can use the examples from the book to teach better.

All in all a very good English language book for the Indian readers.

About the authors

Sheetal Bandekar teaches English at KLS Gogte Institute of Technology, Belgaum (India). She is a language enthusiast and manages the training and conduct of Cambridge English (BEC Preliminary) exams in her college. She holds a Masters in English and in Computer Applications.
She has also done her Post-Graduate Certificate in the Teaching of English (PGCTE) from the EFL University, Hyderabad (India) and presently pursuing her Post-Graduate Diploma in the Teaching of English (PGDTE) from the EFL University, Hyderabad (India).

Tarala Deshpande teaches English at Vardhaman College of Engineering, Hyderabad. Her interest in language teaching drove her to contribute her material in the form of this book to the Indian users of English. She holds a Masters in English and is currently pursuing her doctoral studies. Besides, she has a Post-Graduate Certificate in the Teaching of English (PGCTE) from
EFL University, Hyderabad (India).


Title of the Book: Common Errors in English: an Indian Perspective

Authors: Sheetal Bandekar and Tarala Deshpande

ISBN: 9798688336160

Publisher: Amazon KDP

Available on: (Kindle)