Laura McCullough has published a new article ‘Creating a Teacher-Driven Professional Development Program’ on Edutpoia.
McCullough says, “In the usual professional development structure, teachers teach and administrators or coaches observe and offer a list of areas for growth. Changing the design so that instructional leaders give teachers the opportunity to self-assess and self-reflect makes professional development more useful and meaningful. A teacher-driven PD plan gets teachers excited about learning and invested in the opportunity to grow.
To create a teacher-driven professional development program, allow ample time to create sustainable plans. At my school, the Academy for Leadership at Millcreek Elementary, an instructional leadership team began the process for teacher-driven PD a full year before implementation.
To maximize the program, align the rubric and professional learning plans to any district-mandated professional growth plans. Teacher buy-in is a critical first step in the process. In order to get teachers on board, they need a voice in the process. Tie educational reading during team planning with classroom experience. Use the framework “What makes effective teaching?” to brainstorm goals”.