[ELTWeekly Volume 8, Issue 9 | June 6, 2016 | ISSN 0975-3036]
Last November, Anna Whitcher’s webinar Putting Students in the Director’s Chair looked at the practicalities of how teachers can use video creation as an engaging classroom project. This week, Ceri Jones explored this further – looking at how the video project can maximise language use and practice, while making the most of our students’ knowledge and experience as digital video consumers.
Ceri began by introducing how the video project can be scaffolded, and recommends referring to the Students in the Director’s Chair project pack for practical lesson plans on how to run the video creation project in class. In her webinar she explains how the video ‘creation’ is an important part of the process, but seeks to highlight how the videos can become a fantastic reason and opportunity to exploit language learning too.