[ELTWeekly Volume 7, Issue 8 | March 23, 2015 | ISSN 0975-3036]
About the webinar
On 14th February 2015, YouTube turned 10 years old. Since its early days, the video-sharing site has affected the world in diverse and unpredictable ways. In this practical talk, we will review the changes that online video has made on our lives as teachers. We will look at some practical ideas for using short videos (adverts, viral videos, etc.). We will then consider that the future of video in education is one where students increasingly get involved in tasks that involve video production of their own.
About the speaker
Jamie Keddie is a European-based teacher, teacher trainer and writer. He is the founder of LessonStream.org, and the winner of a British Council ELTons award. Jamie’s areas of interest include the use of visual materials, storytelling and video technologies in the classroom. His publications include Images (OUP 2009) andBringing online video into the classroom (OUP 2014). He is also the author ofVideotelling, an ebook which is to be published in 2015.